The University of Missouri hosted the Science of Addiction Symposium on December 6, 2018 at the Bond Life Sciences Center. The Symposium served as a kick-off meeting for the founding of MO-CARE and represents a first step in developing a broader collaboration among researchers and professionals focusing on addiction and charting a path forward for addiction-related work at the university.

Drugs and Society
Facilitator: Denis McCarthy, MU
Kenneth J. Sher
Curators' Distinguished Professor of Psychological Sciences, MU
Etiology and Course of Substance Use Disorders: An Overview
Yi Shang
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MU
Director of the Distributed and Intelligent Computing Lab
Timothy Trull
Curators’ Distinguished Professor, MU
Byler Distinguished Professor of Psychological Sciences
Director of the Personality and Emotions Laboratory
Ambulatory Assessment of Substance Use and Addiction
Rachel Winograd
Assistant Research Professor of Psychological Sciences
Missouri Institute of Mental Health, UMSL
Missouri’s Response to our Opioid Crisis: What We’re Doing and Why
Basic Translational Research
Facilitator: Chris Pires, MU
Ian Gizer
Associate Professor of Psychological Sciences, MU
Director of the Gene-Brain-Behavior Relations Lab
Wendy Slutske
Frederick A. Middlebush Professor of Psychological Sciences, MU
Director of the Genetic Epidemiology Laboratory
Behavior Genetic Approaches to Studying Alcohol Use Disorder
Anil Kumar
Professor and Chair of Pharmacology and Toxicology
School of Pharmacology, UMKC
HIV-1 gp120 and Methamphetamine-Mediated Toxicity in the Brain
Elizabeth Parks
Professor of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, School of Medicine, MU
Associate Director of the Clinical Research Center, Institute for Clinical Translational Science
The Tailgate Study: Synergies Between Alcohol and Food
Intervention and Training
Facilitator: Matt Martens, MU
Leigh Tenkku Lepper
Associate Research Professor of Social Work, MU
Addressing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders through Alcohol Education and SBIRT Training of Health Care Providers
Mary Beth Miller
Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, MU
Targeting Sleep in Alcohol Prevention and Treatment
Patricia Stilen
Program Director in the Collaborative to Advance Health Services
School of Nursing and Health Studies, UMKC
Using ECHO Clinics to Promote Capacity Building and Improve the Quality of Addiction Treatment
Flash Talks
Facilitator: Jamie Arndt, MU
Jeannette Porter
Assistant Professor of Strategic Communication
Missouri School of Journalism, MU
“This Dark Diction”: Our Changing Addiction Conversation and the Future of Addiction Science
Amber Henslee
Associate Professor of Psychological Sciences
Missouri S&T
Campus Traditions and Event-Specific Alcohol and Cannabis Use
Bruce Bartholow
Frederick A. Middlebush Professor of Psychology, MU
Brain Responses to Drug Cues and Risk for Addiction
Mahesh Thakkar
Professor of Neurology, MU
Treating Insomnia and Sleep Disturbances in Alcoholic Mice
Shivendra D. Shukla
Professor of Psychological Sciences, MU
Director of the Genetic Epidemiology Laboratory
Binge Alcohol Drinking: A Menace to the Liver and Beyond